Purim—Anticipate Instant Change -Episode 188

Mar 18, 2024

We can look at what is happening in the world today and feel like darkness is taking over; everything is getting worse and worse, and nothing is going to change. But the Scriptures give us a different picture. The Scriptures show us that things can change in an instant, and the story of Esther is a prime example of that. As we celebrate the Feast of Purim this year, let us anticipate that when we come before the King in our intercession, He will reverse the plot of destruction against God’s people and turn our mourning into rejoicing.

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The book of Esther records that the Jews established the Feast of Purim “for themselves and for their descendants and for all those who allied themselves with them.” It was established so that all generations will remember how the annihilation that was determined and already set in motion was suddenly reversed. In an instant their mourning, sorrow, and fear of destruction were changed into a celebration of gladness and a holiday of feasting and rejoicing.

The Feast of Purim therefore is a celebration of instant change. When we celebrate it, we remember that no matter how bleak things are, everything can change in a moment. What could be bleaker than the plot for complete annihilation of the Jews in the time of Esther? Yet the reversal of that plot has been passed down to us as a remembrance that if we enter the presence of the King and bring our need to His attention, He will command the change and by His Word the destruction that is set to transpire will not happen.

As we see today with Hamas and Israel, satan is still set to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. And as we approach the time of the end, we are seeing satan’s plot against the whole earth, expanding from the Jewish people into humanity in his determination to destroy all flesh. But we also know by Purim and by the examples of the Scriptures that the plan of destruction can be completely reversed in a moment. So we do not let our hope be tainted by the negativity that surrounds us. We celebrate Purim this year with our hope renewed; and that hope is for instant change.

Key Verses:

  • Isaiah 60:1–3. “Darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you.”
  • Esther 9:20–22. “It was … turned for them from sorrow into gladness and from mourning into a holiday.”
  • Mark 13:19–20. “Unless the Lord had shortened those days, no life would have been saved.”
  • Esther 9:23–25. “When it came to the king’s attention, he commanded.”
  • Esther 9:26–28. “The Jews … made a custom for themselves and for their descendants and for all those who allied themselves with them.”
  • Isaiah 29:5–7. “It will happen instantly, suddenly.”
  • Isaiah 17:12–14. “At evening time, behold, there is terror! Before morning they are no more.”


  • “You can look and say, ‘How can this ever change? How can things ever really be restored to the Kingdom of God from the direction that they’re going? How could good come out of such evil?’ But we must know and understand that it can, and it will.”
  • “We celebrate before we see. We have a time of celebration as an expression not only of our faith, but our knowing that God can bring about deliverance and change and bring about another purpose and will.”
  • “This feast was consecrated by Mordecai for us as those who are allies with the Jewish people and with Israel. And so I proudly celebrate Purim and I am thankful for my inclusion in its celebration.”


  1. Purim is an example, which is repeated many times in the Scriptures, that things can change 180 degrees in just one moment.
  2. We as believers must live in the knowledge and faith that at any second God can move and everything can change. We cannot be tainted by the oppression of this age.
  3. We must never lose the reality in God that in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, everything can be different.

Scriptural Examples of Instant Change:

Purim. Read the book of Esther.

Passover. Read Exodus 12

The Famine in Samaria. Read 2 Kings 7

The Resurrection. Read John 19:30—John 20:29


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