The Power to Choose ā€“ Episode 12

Nov 3, 2020

As the Day of the Lord approaches, we will be faced with many decisions that will have great consequences in our life on earth and in the days of the Kingdom. In the Book of Genesis, we know that God told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree. They were given the choice whether they wanted to obey God or not obey Him. Like Adam and Eve, God gives us the power to choose. And we are living in days where we must regularly exercise this power.

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Show Notes:

God gives us a free will. What that truly means is that we must make choices. We want to make the right decisions and choose the things God wants for us, because when we make a choice, we are also choosing the consequences that accompany it.


As we come into the end times, we will be faced more and more with the reality of making choices. So, we want to be able to make the right decisions.


Like Moses, Elijah, and Joshua, we must choose who we will serve and how we serve. Like Yeshua in the garden, we must make decisions according to Godā€™s will. We cannot listen to the confusion of mankind. We cannot listen to the lies of satan. Instead, we must seek God and bind evil, so that we may exercise our free will to make the decisions we must make. But we are not just making a simple choice between one thing or anotherā€”we are also agreeing to the consequences of those choices upon our lives.


Key Verses:


  • Genesis 3:2-3. ā€œFrom the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ā€˜You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.ā€™ā€
  • Joshua 24:15. ā€œChoose for yourselves today whom you will serveā€¦but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.ā€
  • Matthew 26:39. ā€œMy Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.ā€
  • Mark 3:27. ā€œBut no one can enter the strong manā€™s house and plunder his property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house.ā€




  • ā€œIn our humanity, we will make wrong choices and wrong decisions. But as it was in the garden, we still face the consequences of those decisions that we make.ā€
  • ā€œDo not be quick to make decisions. Do not just listen to the voices out there that push you to make a decision this way or that way, that come to confuse you and lie to you.ā€
  • ā€œWe understand there is a need to bind the strong man. We must bind satan and the powers of satan that come against us. And it is clear that Christ is giving us the ability to do that.ā€




  1. Let us PRAY as we have never prayed before.
  2. Let us SPEAK the word of the Lord against the lies, the deception, and the confusion that satan brings to cloud our choices so that we don’t recognize the consequences we really face.
  3. Let us BIND the plots and the plans of the strong man so that we can make clear choices to serve the Lord.

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